Laetitia DONOMA


Music atmospheric, experimental, abstract, organic, tribal and shamanic.

A géométrie variable / Solo, duo, trio, quartet… with Ludovic Lesage (drum), Elona Hoover (celo), Nina Gust (back up voice), Kevin Bloch (back up voice), Laetitia Donoma (composition, voice, laptop).

Laetitia Donoma, is composing, singing, writing, expressing in connection with her inner world and the Universe all around.

Une musique atmosphérique et tribale. A la fois expérimentale, répétitive et onirique sous des sonorités électroniques et organiques.

Laetitia nous emmène dans un voyage collectif, où sa voix se délie et s’autorise à chanter dans des univers musicaux presque inconnus.

Elle partage avec nous sa mise à nue et ses passions, et nous à vivre un temps d’improvisation, d’’écoute et de lâcher prise, toutes et tous ensemble.

An atmospheric and tribal music. Both experimental, repetitive and dreamy under electronic and organic sounds.

Laetitia takes us on a collective journey, where her voice loosens and allows herself to sing in almost unknown musical worlds.

She shares with us her laying bare and her passions, and we live a time of improvisation, listening and letting go, all together.

Collection of all my music

album Inside/Outside 2018

Enter to the inner universe of Laetitia DONOMA. Inside / Outside, an album organic, atmospheric, ambient, intuitive and sensitive. She invites you to cross your inner space.

The polarities in between the shadow and the light, the death and the rebirth, the lock-in and the freedom, expressed by her voice, her lyrics and her intuitive composition.

EP "DONOMA" 2015

Laetitia DONOMA vous invite à une traversée sensible de vos aires intérieures. De la voix, des textes, de la poésie…sur une musique atmosphérique, onirique et planante.

Un espace où le temps s’étire…nous invitant dans un voyage intérieur et collectif. Des textes en français et en anglais explorent la transformation de l’être autour du rapport aux oppositions, la liberté d’être soi et l’enfermement, l’ombre et la lumière, la mort et la renaissance.

Acheter les CD / buy the CDs:


gigs, tour and art residencies

Artistic Collaborations

Laetitia Donoma & Valérie Costa

Collaboration during the first lockdown, both of them in their own house in south of France.

Co-création confinée

Laetitia Donoma : voix, composition sonore.

Valérie Costa: dance

Laetitia Donoma & Jrelidal

Co-creation during the first lockdown, online in the south of France. They are expressing their love for Connection and Nature. Showing the gap between our inner nature and Nature, “We are the We of Mother Earth” . 

Laetitia Donoma : voix, composition sonore. 

Jrelidal : texte, voix

Music Improvisation in Nature

Sing for Mother Earth

Voice Improvisation in Nature

“Crossing the world I observe, I listen, I feel. To turn a corner in rut, a melody go through me. My voice spreading the dialogue in between the Sacred a I, I sing the heart of life. You are beautiful Mother, there is no word to tell your immensity. With my voice I send you my love, my support and my care. Improvising voice in a morning light.” Laetitia Donoma
